Content guidelines
Great to learn that you want to contribute to this site! It’s pretty staight forward using the guidelines below. This should suit most contributors, otherwise let us know.
We would consider uniquely written text covering your idea, product or service that can help people to return to the office safely. Please do not copy paste existing website text. We would appreciate between 500 and 3000 words. Please include subtitles, paragraphs, bullet points etc. to ensure that readers can navigate the text quickly. Indicate where to position your images or embedded video links.
We can position images within the paragraph, or add slideshow. We prefer landscape images with a minumum size of 1500 pixels on the long side. We can resize your images accordingly. If you have square or portrait sized images, please give us at least 2 of them so we can position them alongside of each other. Obviously you have to make sure that you have the rights of use of these images.
The website supports embedding videos from YouTube, Vimeo, Animoto, and Wistia. Just give us the video url or embed code from your video host.
We can link to your website or relevant page either in text or with a button at the bottom of the post. Links to external sites need to assist the reader in finding relevant and authorotive content to help them with their query.
Share, share, share…
This ‘together for us all’ initiative only works if you all contributors share the content on this site via their own social media channels. This way all contributors benefit from the following of all. So contributing means sharing on social media channels!
Any questions?